Esthetician Salaries Per State

Esthetician Salaries Per State

Estheticians are skincare professionals who provide a variety of services, including facials, waxing, and microdermabrasion. They work in salons, spas, and other medical settings.

The average salary for an esthetician in the United States is $45,919 per year, according to ZipRecruiter. However, esthetician salaries can vary significantly depending on experience, location, and other factors.

a list of the top 10 highest-paying states for esthetician SALARIES

  1. New York: $66,088
  2. New Jersey: $61,643
  3. Wisconsin: $60,982
  4. Massachusetts: $58,419
  5. Minnesota: $58,296
  6. Nevada: $58,105
  7. California: $57,749
  8. Colorado: $57,151
  9. Washington: $56,925
  10. Maryland: $56,834

a list of the bottom 10 lowest-paying states for esthetician SALARIES

  1. South Dakota: $34,511
  2. North Dakota: $34,698
  3. West Virginia: $35,611
  4. Arkansas: $35,643
  5. Montana: $36,077
  6. Mississippi: $36,121
  7. Alabama: $36,326
  8. Kentucky: $36,372
  9. Idaho: $36,630
  10. Oklahoma: $36,751

Factors that can affect an esthetician’s salary

  • Experience: Estheticians with more experience typically earn higher salaries.
  • Location: Estheticians who work in high-cost-of-living areas tend to earn more than those who work in lower-cost-of-living areas.
  • Type of employer: Estheticians who work in salons and spas typically earn more than those who work in medical settings.
  • Commission: Many estheticians earn a commission on the services they sell.
  • Tips: Estheticians often receive tips from their clients.
  • Certifications: Estheticians who are certified by a reputable organization tend to earn more than those who are not certified.

How to increase your earning potential as an esthetician:

  • Get more experience: The more experience you have, the more valuable you will be to potential employers.
  • Take advanced training: There are a variety of advanced training programs available for estheticians. Taking these programs can help you learn new skills and techniques, which can make you more competitive in the job market.
  • Work in a high-cost-of-living area: Estheticians who work in high-cost-of-living areas tend to earn more than those who work in lower-cost-of-living areas. However, it is important to factor in the cost of living when deciding where to work.
  • Work for a high-end salon or spa: High-end salons and spas typically pay their estheticians more than lower-end establishments.
  • Offer additional services: In addition to basic skincare services, you can also offer additional services, such as eyelash extensions, body wraps, and makeup application. This can help you increase your earnings potential.
  • Promote yourself: Market yourself to potential clients through social media, networking, and other channels. This can help you build a strong clientele and increase your earnings.
  • Get certified: Getting certified by a reputable organization, such as the National Accrediting Commission of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences (NACCAS), can help you increase your earning potential.

How Cosmetology Guru can help

Cosmetology Guru is a leading online resource for beauty professionals. We offer a variety of resources to help estheticians get certified, including:

  • Online esthetician courses: Our online esthetician course will teach you the skills and knowledge you need to become a successful esthetician.
  • Esthetician exam prep: We offer a variety of esthetician exam prep resources, including practice tests, study guides, and flashcards.
  • Career advice: We offer a variety of career advice articles and videos for estheticians, including tips on how to find a job, negotiate a salary, choose your insurance, and market yourself.

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