How to Get a Cosmetology License Without School in Each State of USA

how to get cosmetology license without school


If you’re interested in a career in cosmetology, you may be wondering how to get cosmetology license without school. While it’s true that most states require you to attend a licensed cosmetology school in order to be eligible for a cosmetology license, there are some alternative paths that you can take.

In this article, we’ll explore how to get a cosmetology license without school in each state of the USA.

Understanding the Requirements

Before we dive into the specific requirements for each state, it’s important to understand the basic requirements for obtaining a cosmetology license. Generally, you will need to complete a certain number of training hours and pass a licensing exam in order to become licensed.

While each state sets its own requirements for licensing, most require a minimum of 1,000 training hours. These training hours typically cover a variety of topics, such as hair styling, makeup application, nail care, and esthetics. Once you have completed your training hours, you will need to pass a licensing exam in order to obtain your cosmetology license.

Alternative Paths to Obtaining a Cosmetology License

While attending a licensed cosmetology school is the most common way to obtain a cosmetology license, there are some alternative paths that you can take. Here are some of the most common ways on how to get cosmetology license without school:

How to Get Cosmetology License Without School
How to Get Cosmetology License Without School

Apprenticeship Programs

Many states offer apprenticeship programs for aspiring cosmetologists. These programs allow you to learn on the job under the supervision of a licensed cosmetologist. You will typically need to complete a certain number of training hours and pass a licensing exam in order to obtain your license.

Instructor Training

If you already have a cosmetology license, you may be eligible to become an instructor at a licensed cosmetology school. In order to do so, you will typically need to complete a certain number of instructor training hours and pass an instructor licensing exam.

Military Training

If you have served in the military and have experience in cosmetology, you may be eligible to obtain a cosmetology license without completing additional training. Each state sets its own requirements for military training, so be sure to check with your state licensing board for more information.

Out-of-State Licenses

If you hold a cosmetology license in another state, you may be able to obtain a license in your current state without completing additional training. Each state sets its own requirements for out-of-state license holders, so be sure to check with your state licensing board for more information.

State-Specific Requirements

Now that you have a basic understanding of the alternative paths to obtaining a cosmetology license, let’s take a closer look at the requirements for each state:


Alabama does not offer any alternative paths to obtaining a cosmetology license. You must attend a licensed cosmetology school in order to be eligible for a license.


In Alaska, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Arizona, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


Arkansas does not offer any alternative paths to obtaining a cosmetology license. You must attend a licensed cosmetology school in order to be eligible for a license.


In California, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Colorado, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


Connecticut does not offer any alternative paths to obtaining a cosmetology license. You must attend a licensed cosmetology school in order to be eligible for a license.


Delaware does not offer any alternative paths to obtaining a cosmetology license. You must attend a licensed cosmetology school in order to be eligible for a license.


In Florida, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Georgia, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Hawaii, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Idaho, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Illinois, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Indiana, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Iowa, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


Kansas does not offer any alternative paths to obtaining a cosmetology license. You must attend a licensed cosmetology school in order to be eligible for a license.


In Kentucky, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Louisiana, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


Maine does not offer any alternative paths to obtaining a cosmetology license. You must attend a licensed cosmetology school in order to be eligible for a license.


Maryland does not offer any alternative paths to obtaining a cosmetology license. You must attend a licensed cosmetology school in order to be eligible for a license.


In Massachusetts, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Michigan, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


In Minnesota, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


Mississippi does not offer any alternative paths to obtaining a cosmetology license. You must attend a licensed cosmetology school in order to be eligible for a license.


In Missouri, you can obtain a cosmetology license through an apprenticeship program or by completing a certain number of training hours at a licensed cosmetology school.


Montana does not offer any alternative paths to obtaining a cosmetology license. You must attend a licensed cosmetology school in order to be eligible for a license.


In Nebraska, you can become a licensed cosmetologist through apprenticeship by completing 4,000 hours of on-the-job training. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.

New Mexico

In New Mexico, you can become a licensed cosmetologist through an apprenticeship program or by completing 1,600 hours of training at a state-approved school. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.

New York

In New York, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,000 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.

North Carolina

In North Carolina, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,500 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.

North Dakota

In North Dakota, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,800 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Ohio, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,500 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Oklahoma, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,500 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Oregon, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 2,300 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Pennsylvania, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,250 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.

Rhode Island

In Rhode Island, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,500 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.

South Carolina

In South Carolina, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,500 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.

South Dakota

In South Dakota, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 2,100 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Tennessee, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,500 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Texas, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,500 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Utah, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 2,000 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Vermont, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,500 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Virginia, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,500 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Washington, you can get a cosmetology license without attending school if you have completed an apprenticeship program of at least 2,000 hours or if you have obtained a license in another state that has equivalent or higher requirements. You will also need to pass the Washington state board exams.

West Virginia

In West Virginia, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,800 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Wisconsin, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 1,550 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Wyoming, you can become a licensed cosmetologist by completing 2,000 hours of training at a state-approved school or by completing an apprenticeship program. You’ll also need to pass the written and practical exams to obtain your license.


In Utah, you can get a cosmetology license without attending school if you have completed an apprenticeship program of at least 2,000 hours or if you have obtained a license in another state that has equivalent or higher requirements. You will also need to pass the Utah state board exams.


While attending a traditional cosmetology school may be the most straightforward path to obtaining a cosmetology license, there are alternative paths that can be taken. Apprenticeship programs, online courses, and private cosmetology schools are all viable options for those who are unable or unwilling to attend a traditional school.

In order to make sure you are meeting all requirements to become a licensed cosmetologist, it is crucial to carefully research the standards and regulations in your state, regardless of the route you take. Don’t forget to practice for your theoretical exam as well.

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